"So, about my time here in the MTC. There's a saying here that the days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days. I wholeheartedly agree! It just seems like yesterday that I reported to the MTC, and yet every Wednesday as we watch the Verdini (greenies) report, we find ourselves thinking, "Wait, it's already Wednesday again?" I love how I call them greenies as if I've been out for more than 2 months. At the same time though I've never grown so much in such a short time. We finished the last of our 8 basic tenses about a week and a half ago, which means we've learned everything we need to use the compound tenses. I mean to think that we've learned to speak Italian in its most basic form in only 8 weeks? Just wow. What other place on Earth could one learn to do that? "
"I love you all so much and am so thankful for all of your support. Prayers are certainly appreciated for me and all of the Missionaries who are or will be serving in Italy. It is such an amazing blessing to be given this opportunity. I know this Church is true with all my heart."
Ci vediamo!
Read Romans 1: 7-8, 15-16 for me. Replace the word "Rome" with "Milan".
Note: Andrew will be assigned to serve in Piachenza with Elder Nielsen from St. George. For now letters can be mailed to:
Elder Andrew Proctor
Italy Milan Mission
Via Gramsci, 13/4
20090 Opera MI
I received a call from President Wolfgramm on Wednesday saying that Andrew had arrived safely. Always nice to hear from the mission president.