Missionary Work in Italy

Missionary Work in Italy
Andrew teaching a street contact

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Buon Natale!

Buon Natale!
This week has been a good one.  From picking up my new trainee, Anziano May, to teaching some pretty awesome people, it's been a full week.  We went to Milano early thursday morning with the Zone Leaders to pick up our new companions from the Milano 2 chapel.  It was a really cool experience because Anziano Nielson (my trainer) was going to be training again, so as the APs introduced us they pointed out the cool "family ties."  It's really a great opportunity to have to train a new missionary.  You learn all sorts of new stuff (or you remember all the good stuff you shouldn't have ever forgotten).
Anyways, this week a girl named Cecilia came to Church.  She was a referral from a member, and had some interest in learning our message.  She has a boyfriend that is serving a mission in Peru right now, plus her mom was about to get baptized in our church about 15 years ago, so she had some questions.  Unfortunately, her mom was never baptized.  
Anyways, we taught her the message of the Restoration and Joseph Smith, then introduced her to the Book of Mormon.  She seemed hesitant but said she would read and pray to God.  She is evangelical and it seemed like she had more intent to read to prove the Book wrong than to actually read to know if it was true.  Anyways, we met with her again last night and did a quick review of the Restoration.  She said she read the first 4-5 chapters of 1 Nephi and believed that it was the Word of God.   After, we watched the Restoration film to let her understand more about his story and search for the truth.  When the film was over the Spirit was super strong.  She told us that before coming that day, her intentions were to tell us she wasn't coming back anymore and that she was done listening.  However, she said that when she entered the Church she changed her mind.  She said, "Prima, volevo dirvi che io non sarei venuta più.  Adesso non ho voglia andarmene."  In English, "Before, I wanted to tell you that I wouldn't be coming anymore.  Now I don't want to leave."   I believe her.
.  Ciao!  Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!
-Anziano Proctor

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